For the first time in history, the majority of the world's population lives in urban areas. Much of this urbanization has been fueled by the rapidly growing cities of the developing world, exemplified most dramatically by booming megacities such as Lagos, Karachi, and Mumbai. In the coming years, as both the number and scale of cities continue to increase, the most important matters of social policy and economic development will necessarily be urban issues. Urbanization, across the world but especially in Asia and Africa, is perhaps the critical issue of the twenty-first century. Global Urbanization surveys essential dimensions of this growth and begins to formulate a global urban agenda for the next half century. Drawing from many disciplines, the contributors tackle issues ranging from how cities can keep up with fast-growing housing needs to the possibilities for public-private partnerships in urban governance. Several essays address the role that cutting-edge technologies such as GIS software, remote sensing, and predictive growth models can play in tracking and forecasting urban growth. Reflecting the central importance of the Global South to twenty-first-century urbanism, the volume includes case studies and examples from China, India, Uganda, Kenya, and Brazil. While the challenges posed by large-scale urbanization are immense, the future of human development requires that we find ways to promote socially inclusive growth, environmental sustainability, and resilient infrastructure. The timely and relevant scholarship assembled in Global Urbanization will be of great interest to scholars and policymakers in demography, geography, urban studies, and international development.
Cities are not only home to around half of the global population but also major centers of economic activity and innovation.
A Global Assessment Thomas Elmqvist, Michail Fragkias, Julie Goodness, Burak Güneralp, Peter J. Marcotullio, ... Elmqvist, T., Barnett, G., & Wilkinson, C. (2013). Exploring urban sustainability and resilience. In L. Pearson ...
The report presents findings from the 2018 revision of World Urbanization Prospects, which contains the latest estimates of the urban and rural populations or areas from 1950 to 2018 and projections to 2050, as well as estimates of ...
This report presents the results of the 2014 Revision of World Urbanization Prospects including the official United Nations estimates and projections of urban and rural populations for major areas, regions and countries of the world and of ...
Analyzing historical perspectives, the roles of universities and research, globalization, and poverty (among many others), this comprehensive book provides a thoroughly researched wealth of information. Book jacket.
This volume provides a comprehensive overview of the interactions and feedbacks between urbanization and global environmental change.
Urbanization, biodiversity, and ecosystem services: Challenges and opportunities. New York: Springer. Forman, R.T.T. 2008. Urban regions: Ecology and planning beyond the city. New York: Cambridge University Press.
This book explores the contradictions between intended and unintended outcomes of fast cities and points to their fault lines between state sovereignty, capital accumulation and citizenship.
This book examines the challenges of urbanization in the global south and the linkages between urbanization, economic development and urban poverty from the perspectives of cities in Asia, Africa and Latin America.
Overall , these Budapest , Warsaw , and Prague . Very visible cities did not conform to Western models of signs of change are the proliferating corporate urban structure ; rather , since land use was logos and billboards . based more on ...