An authoritative guide to the whole of the cradle of civilization.
This Dictionary gives a comprehensive survey of the whole range of ancient Near Eastern architecture from the Neolithic round huts in Palestine to the giant temples of Ptolemaic Egypt. Gwendolyn...
The Dictionary of Ancient Near Eastern Mythology covers sources from Mesopotamia, Syro-Palestine and Anatolia, from around 2800 to 300 BC. It contains entries on gods and goddesses, giving evidence of their worship in temples, describing ...
Sargonic texts from Telloh in the Istanbul Archaeological Museums , part 2. Atlanta , GA : Lockwood Press . Frahm , E. and Payne , E. 2003-2004 . Šuruppak under Rimuš : a rediscovered inscription . AfO 50 : 50-55 . Franke , S. 1995.
Comprehensive, up-to-date collection of primary source documents (creation accounts, epic literature, etc.) gives insight into the Ancient Near East and the Old Testament.
The Dictionary of Ancient Near Eastern Mythology covers sources from Mesopotamia, Syro-Palestine and Anatolia, from around 2800 to 300 BC. It contains entries on gods and goddesses, giving evidence of their worship in temples, describing ...
Based on corpora of Indus writing and a dictionary, the book validates Aristotle's insight on writing systems.
English-Egyptian Index of Faulkner's Concise Dictionary of Middle Egyptian
Defines concepts and customs specific to ancient Mesopotamia, covering such topics as religion, social life, geography, kings and rulers, and economics.
This unique reference article, excerpted from the larger work (Dictionary of Daily Life in Biblical and Post-Biblical Antiquity), provides background cultural and technical information on the world of the Hebrew Bible and New Testament from ...
In Uncovering Ancient Stones: Essays in Memory of H. Neil Richardson. Ed. L. M. Hopfe, 65—78. Winona Lake, Ind.: Eisenbrauns, 1994. ———. “Official Attitudes toward Prophecy at Mari and in Israel.” VT 43 (1993): 50—68. —.