Bodies of Belief argues that the paradoxical evolution of the Baptist religion, specifically in Pennsylvania and Virginia, was simultaneously egalitarian and hierarchical, democratic and conservative.
This book will guide you on a life-changing path to radically shift your health and love your body more.
This book reflects on the implications of neurobiology and the scientific worldview on aspects of religious experience, belief, and practice, focusing especially on the body and the construction of religious meaning.
Meredith McGuire points the way forward toward a new way of understanding religion. She argues that scholars must study religion not as it is defined by religious organizations, but as it is actually lived in people's everyday lives.
This engaging book is an excellent addition to introductory courses on religion or sexuality and is a much-needed new volume for advanced courses on the intersections of these areas of human experience.
This book sheds an interdisciplinary light on 'transforming bodies': bodies that have been subjected to, contributed to, or have resisted social transformations within religious or secular contexts in contemporary Europe.
'Giving the bst of yourself' in sports : the Catholic Church's attention to sports in past and present / Dries Vanysacker -- Holy marathon : 'running religion'? : religious interpretations of body vulnerability in the context of marathons / ...
What are our obligations toward human bodies? How should medicine respond to suffering and death? The resulting text is an interdisciplinary treatise on how medicine can best function in our societies.
The chapters in this book were originally published as a special issue of Fat Studies: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Body Weight and Society.
... on the Unity of Christians delivered at Harvard University by Augustin Cardinal Bea in Samuel H. Miller and G. Ernest Wright , eds . , Ecumenical Dialogue at Harvard : The Roman CatholicProtestant Colloquium ( Cambridge , Mass .
Filling the gap for an up-to-date and comparative approach to theories and practices of the body in religion, this book explores the cultural influences on embodiment and their implications for religious institutions and spirituality.