What impact has the end of mandatory retirement had on colleges and universities as well as on the academic job market? From the Wharton School, To Retire or Not? outlines the critical issues associated with faculty aging, retirement policy, and human resource needs in higher education over the next decades.
In his lighthearted and inspirational book, Retire To-Not From, Phil Saylor encourages you to glimpse the silver lining of your golden years and embark on your next great, active adventure, rather than treating retirement like a nap after a ...
In Retire Inspired, Chris Hogan teaches that retirement isn't an age; it's a financial number an amount you need to live the life in retirement that you've always dreamed of.
The goal of the book is not to sell you a financial services product.
In How to Retire and Not Die, Gary and Max Sirak walk you step by step through the process of winning that marathon and living your best retired life.
With his guide on how to get more out of your retirement years, this book will show you how to plan for retirement the right way to help you enjoy the life you've always wanted.
In A MILLION IS NOT ENOUGH, Michael Farr, one of America's leading financial strategists, shows you that this goal can absolutely be accomplished-no matter what your income bracket.
This book will take you step-by-step though planning and saving for retirement starting in your fifties and the best way to fund your retirement years.
This is the eBook version of the printed book.
At the same time, the prospect of life without an income other than perhaps rapidly-diminishing Social Security income is nothing more than depressing. Yet, this is the reality for most Americans - not seven-figure investment portfolios.
Life is way too short to wait. Don't put a price on your dreams. This is a five-step guide to retiring early and fast. This is NOT generic financial advice. I will not be telling you how to lower your cable bill.