In attempting to steer young adults safely away from the dangers of market-driven society, reformers in early America created values that came to define the emerging urban middle class.
... Seduced, Abandoned, and Reborn, 23–43; Reynolds, Beneath the American Renaissance, 260–62. Thomas Foster successfully dates such notions of natural male desire even earlier than this era. See Foster, Sex and the EighteenthCentury Man, 6 ...
Scholars have long recognized the importance of same-sex friendships among women, but this is the first book to examine the broad significance ascribed to loving friendships among men during this formative period of American history.
... Seduced, Abandoned, and Reborn: Visions of Youth in Middle-Class America, 1780–1850 by Rodney Hessinger. Journal of American History 93.1 (2006): 209–10. The Bowery “bhoys" and “ghals” make many appearances in contemporary periodicals ...
Henri Petter, The Early American Novel (Columbus: Ohio State University Press, 1971), 29. 20. Davidson, Revolution and the Word, 169; Adventures of Jonathan Corncob, Loyal American Refugee, Written by Himself (London: Printed for the ...
... Seduced, Abandoned, and Reborn: Visions of Youth in Middle-Class America, 1780-1850. Philadelphia: u of Pennsylvania ... Seduction, and the Sentimental heroine: The Case of amelia norman.” American Literature 78.2 (2006): 325-55. holmes ...
But the real star of this volume is Lewis herself: confident, unconventional, erudite, and deeply imaginative.
Scarlett's Sisters explores the meaning of nineteenth-century southern womanhood from the vantage point of the celebrated fictional character's flesh-and-blood counterparts: young, elite, white women.
Gilbert Imlay was born on February 9, 1754, in Imlaystown in the county of Monmouth in the British colony of New Jersey. He was a member of a family that had worked hard for three generations to secure its position economically and ...
Based on rigorous historical detective work, this book takes us from a chance encounter in the street into the sanctuaries of the city’s elite, the shadows of its brothels, and the despair of its debtors’ prison.
... Public Affairs: The Causes Célèbres of Prerevolutionary France (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1999), 282 ... Taming Passion for the Public Good: Policing Sex in the Early Republic (New York: New York University Press, 2013); ...