This book presents for the first time a thorough study of the imagery in Wallace Stevens's poetry and the patterns which these images form. Heretofore, most discussions of Stevens's work presupposed an understanding of the difficult and bizarre surface imagery and dealt mainly with broad generalizations which often left the student of Stevens's poems unsatisfied. The brilliant surface of the poems, the detailed imagery of specific passages, is here examined clearly and systematically. The images, indexed at the back of the book, are examined in four natural groups: Figures of the Mind, of Disorder, of Order, and of Change. The last half of the book is concerned with close analyses of some longer poems of Stevens's using the information gleaned from the "anatomy" of the first half.
A Reader's Guide to Wallace Stevens is an indispensable resource and the perfect companion to The Collected Poems of Wallace Stevens, first published in 1954 in honor of Stevens's seventy-fifth birthday, as well as to the 1997 collection ...
"The Collected Poems" is the one volume that Stevens intented to contain all the poems he wished to preserve, presented in the way he wanted.
This essential volume for all readers of poetry reminds us of Stevens’s nearly unparalleled contribution to the art form and his unending ability to puzzle, fascinate, and delight us. From the Hardcover edition.
Discusses the difficult style of Wallace Stevens, looks at his major themes, and analyzes, in detail, several of his poems
... 31.7m Howe, M. A. DeWolfe, 31 on Howells, W. D., 17, 309n Hulme, T. E., 44, 48, 31 2n humanism, 157–58, 259-60. See also New Humanism Hume, David, 3oo Huston, Nancy, 74, 228, 235-36, 31.4n, 32.5m Hyman, Stanley Edgar, 330n Hynes, ...
This compelling book uncovers what Stevens liked to think of as his "ordinary" life, a life in which the demands of politics, economics, poetry, and everyday distractions coexisted, sometimes peacefully and sometimes not.
Offers authoritative readings of the major long poems and sequences, exploring their relationship to one another and to the works of Stevens' precursors.
... 88 Bergson , Henri Louis 22 , 49 bewilderment 12 , 40 biography 3 , 98 Blake , William 80 Blanchot , Maurice 86–7 ... 67 , 91 , 112 Cain , Jimmy E. 96 calm 5 , 6 , 88 , 89 , 106–9 , 112 Cavell , Stanley 99 Coleridge , Samuel Taylor ...
Here are all of Stevens’s published books of poetry, side-by-side for the first time with the haunting lyrics of his later years and early work that traces the development of his art.
The essays following chart Stevens' poetic career and his affinities with both earlier and contemporary writers, artists, and philosophers. Other essays introduce students to the peculiarity and distinctiveness of Stevens' voice and style.