As instantaneous interstellar travel grows in popularity, Giraut, a swordsman, troubador, and lover, finds himself an ambassador to a different human world. Reprint.
A Million Open Doors
“Most entendendors become mere memories, some become friends, a few become husbands, and that one became my big brother. ... She sighed, and her expression was distant, but she looked me in the eye “About our past connection.
A novel on the Thousand Cultures, as Earth's colonies are known.
Then she says, "Sorry, Jesse, but what does that have to do with the present day? You think the broadcast nets are like Ben Franklin, turning out little pamphlets for a few to read and most to ignore?
The sequel to A Million Open Doors and Earth Made of Glass Special agent Giraut Leones, betrayed by his superior and closest friend, swore he would never work for the Office of Special Projects again--but now he must.
Joshua Ali Quare wakes in 2109 at the age of 140 in a strong youthful body with no memory of his past, to find he is at the center of a vast and deadly conspiracy.
The Tale began when young Prince Amatus secretly sipped the forbidden Wine of the Gods, leaving him half the lad he'd once been--literally--for his left side suddenly vanished without a trace!
At the end of the twenty-first century, Earth is under the control of a single intelligence, the apparently benign One True.
JOHN BARNES "A master of the genre.
Most of them have flourished in the face of great challenges, proud of their accomplishments. The book is based on a traveling photographic exhibit that has been touring the United States since October 2003.