This is the first book to expose a crucial aspect of the cover-up of the JFK assassination conspiracy: the doctoring of the Zapruder film, allegedly a 27-second home movie shot by Abraham Zapruder in Dealey Plaza. The evidence for alteration of the Zapruder movie takes many forms, including inconsistencies with eyewitness testimony, discrepancies with other films and photographs, impossible movements within the time-frame of the movie, contradictions between the movie and the physical layout of Dealey Plaza, and the multiple versions of the movie itself. This book brings together all the leading authorities within the assassination research community, including David Healy, authority on technical processes of film production; Jack White, who for forty years has made a special study of the JFK assassination movies and photographs; John Costella, Ph.D., a physicist and engineer with a background in optics, the properties of light, and moving objects; and David W. Mantick, Ph.D., the foremost expert on the medical evidence in the JFK assassination.
It is the most famous home movie of all time, the most closely analyzed 26 seconds of film ever shot, the most disturbing visual record of what many have called...
If you have ever been tempted to believe that President Kennedy was killed by a lone,demented gunman named Lee Harvey Oswald, then Assassination Science is the one book which will convince you, beyond any reasonable doubt, that there was ...
A Deeper, Darker Truth
This book blows the most famous film in history - the Zapruder film - sky high.
An all-encompassing analysis of the assassination of JFK and its surrounding conspiracy theories draws on forensic evidence, key witness testimonies, and other sources to explain what really happened and why conspiracy theories have become ...
Arguing that the evidence relied upon by the Warren Commission and the House Assassinations Committee was faked, Lifton describes how the cover-up plot worked and explains the numerous conflicts in the record.
Probably because of those allegations, Johnson tried to discredit Reynolds. He tried through a Drew Pearson column that claimed Reynolds was unreliable (column ofJanuary 31, 1964). Pearson was “. . . distantly related by marriage to .
General Godfrey McHugh is demanding to know why the plane has not taken off as he has ordered. Malcolm Kilduff, passing the communications shack, hears the voices and tells the plane's pilot, Colonel Swindal, not to take off.
Provides the complete script for JFK, which details the investigation into President Kennedy's assassination, and includes reponses and comments about the film, and official reports and documentation
Authored by forensic investigator Sherry Fiester, Enemy of the Truth addresses eight prominent myths in the assassination, including: the Dallas Police Department's investigation, the varied Dealey Plaza locations witnesses believed shots ...