An inspirational meditation on the broader effects of good deeds demonstrates how small acts of conscience or kindness can ultimately shift the balance between good and evil, discussing such topics as parenting, service-related careers, and the personal rewards of good acts. Reprint. 14,000 first printing.
This is a reissue of a classic text on poetry and the poetic process - and classic Russian poetry in particular - first published in English translation in 1992, by Bristol Classical Press in the UK and Harvard University Press in the USA.
Hoffman, “Ancient Magnetic Reversals: Clues to the Geodynamo.” 34. Cox, Dalrymple, and Doell, “Reversals of the Earth's Magnetic Field.” 35. Barker and Freeston, “Non-invasive Magnetic Stimulation of the Human Cortex,” 1106–7; ...
The Light of Consciousness: Explorations in Transpersonal Psychology
Pearson, To the Parliament of the Commonwealth [1653], 2. 4. Humphrey Smith and others, A Representation of the Government of the Borough of Evesham (1655), broadside. 5. Humphrey Smith, Something Further of the Cruel Persecution at ...
The Light Behind Consciousness
In this book, Dr. Andrew Silverman reveals why the powerful consciousness of the human mind could never be manufactured and so cannot be reproduced with technology.
Pope John Paul II proclaims a sense of urgency in challenging moral darkness with the light of truth.
Book of Mormon Student Manual: Religion 121-122
As this book astutely reveals, today’s debates over political power, religious freedom, gay rights, and more are all deeply infused by the language and concepts outlined by these pioneers of personal conscience.
A reporter discusses his coverage of the civil rights movement, focusing on the death of Emmett Till.