Argues for the use of religious faith and compassion to help overcome the extremely partisan nature of contemporary politics and restore civic virtue, envisioning a political process and Republican party that uses religion to unite, rather than divide.
Brown soon realized that many people, including many Christians, found it dillicult to single out abortion as uniquely ... That led to a meeting at L'Abri Schaeffefs compound in Switzerland three weeks later and a long conversation with ...
69 The use of the Reformation to juxtapose Catholicism and democracy is strikingly evident in enthusiasm for the work of Max Weber , which , as we have seen , was powerfully shaped by conflict between Protestants and Catholics in ...
Elles sont attestées par la lettre que le roi écrit à Jean de Chabannes ( 27 ) et le témoignage de l'écuyer de Marie de Clèves , Claude de Rabodanges : Elle - même savait que le roi lui - même désirait et se proposait de détruire et ...
22 This is a widely quoted remark from Rush Limbaugh's radio show. See it_13.html. 23 Robert G. Kennedy, “Can Interrogatory Torture Be Morally Legitimate?
David Limbaugh suggests that By refusing to “get their hands dirty” in the material world of politics, or discouraging other Christians from doing so, they might, unwittingly be aiding and abetting the transformation of our culture and ...
God and Government
When Americans ask the Federal Government to deliver both freedom and virtue, they will ultimately get neither.
On May 24, 1844 Samuel F.B. Morse sent the first telegraph message in history from the Supreme Court Chamber, which was then in the Capitol, to Baltimore. Today, a metal plaque is fastened on the wall in the Capitol outside the old ...
This text is a significant introduction to our understanding of the new shapes of political religion, and of American evangelicalism.
Pedersen , Arne Brandt : Adolf Hitler og den nationale Revolution . København 1933 . PEDERSEN , Nelly : „ Det tredje Standpunkt “ i 30'erne . In : Religion och kyrka i 1930'talets sociale kris . Nordiska kyrkohistorikermötet i Uppsala ...