The autobiography of astronaut John Young.
With her regrets, her joys, her difficulties, and her triumphs, this is a compelling read for any fan of classic Disney films and an inside look at a piece of real Hollywood history.
With images inspired by classic Dylan songs and pieces of his life, this is a bold and touching tribute to an anthem whose message will always stay forever young.
Emile Henry is the largest manufacturer ofpottery in France. Since it was first produced, the major benefit of cooking in oven-totableware has been its ability to allow gradual, even heat distribution throughout the food so the fibers ...
So argues semiotician Marcel Danesi in Forever Young, an unforgiving and controversial look at modern culture's incessant drive to create a 'teen-aging' of adult life.
"Forever Young" reveals previously undisclosed details about the life of Hollywood legend Loretta Young, her children and her Catholic faith that sustained her throughout her lifetime.
Forever Young: The Science of Aging by the Editors of Scientific American Today, an infant born in the US will probably live to see his or her 78th birthday, a 20- year-plus increase over the average lifespan a century ago.
There is no available information at this time. Author will provide once available.
Forever Young
Sixth title in Titan Books’ Marvel fiction reissue program, featuring the Spider-Man story, Forever Young. Take a swing through Spider-Man’s past! Hoping to snag some rent-paying photos of his arachnid-like...
Everyone dreams of staying young forever , for one of our most powerful and enduring fantasies is surely the prolongation of life and youth , with immortality the ultimate state . In Forever Young Lucian Boia explores the – often ...