Attracting Birds to South Florida Gardens

Attracting Birds to South Florida Gardens
James A. Kushlan, Kirsten Hines


"South Florida is a unique and spectacular environment for both birding and gardening, and this is a thorough and enjoyable guide."--Carl Lewis, director, Fairchild Tropical Gardens "A step-by-step guide on how to create a garden that not only benefits birds but increases your enjoyment of your yard, patio, or balconies. No space is too small for helping birds, and this book tells you how to do it."--Stephen D. Pearson, director, University of Miami's John G. Gifford Arboretum "For all South Floridians concerned about vanishing stopover habitat and hoping to contribute to the re-greening of Florida in their own backyards, Attracting Birds to South Florida Gardens is essential reading."--Brian Rapoza, author of Birding Florida Lush and warm, South Florida is a gardener's dream and a birder's delight. James Kushlan and Kirsten Hines draw on their years of experience to provide practical, ecologically sound advice for creating landscapes that will appeal to the many birds that can be found in the region. Aimed primarily at backyard gardeners and birders, but applicable for commercial landscapers as well, their precepts can be applied to a broad range of outdoor spaces, from balconies to suburban yards to rural estates. The authors identify plants that provide food or shelter and explain how each can attract specific bird species. They also explain what plants work well together, offer advice on simplifying garden maintenance, and provide tips on how other elements can make an area avian-friendly. Filled with brilliant photographs, Attracting Birds to South Florida Gardens addresses a conspicuous void in the literature on two of America's most popular activities.

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