“Provides a potent counter-narrative to the story of African Americans only as sharecroppers. These richly documented essays add depth and complexity to the little-known story of African American landowners.”—Journal of American History “Serves the discipline well in redirecting attention back to the land when examining African American life and culture. It also highlights the often-neglected landowners of color as individuals worthy of close attention, despite their minority status within American culture.”—American Historical Review “Presents the scope and complexity of landownership among black farmers following emancipation.”—Missouri Historical Review “Ground-breaking. The essays offer a counterpoint to the standard story that all African Americans in the rural South found themselves mired in poverty and dependency.”—Melissa Walker, author of Southern Farmers and Their Stories “Remarkable. The authors in this collection have retrieved African American farm owners from the margins of history, making clear that life on the land for African Americans not only transcended sharecropping but also shaped the contours of the struggle for freedom and justice.”—Hasan Kwame Jeffries, author of Bloody Lowndes
A few other works include, A.W. Hoadley, W.M. Kemp, A.C. Firmin, G.T. Smith, and P. Schelhorn, “Salmonellae in the Environment Around a Chicken Processing Plant,” Applied Microbiology, Volume 27, No. 5 (May 1974), 848–857; B.J. Dutka ...
This book examines the historical background of black farmers in America, with a focus on co-operatives and the Pigford cases.
"An impressive work of historical recovery, Discovering Black Vermont tells the story of three generations of free Blacks trying to build a life and community in northern Vermont in the years following statehood"--
Dispossession: Discrimination against African American Farmers in the Age of Civil Rights