In the antebellum South, the presence of free people of color was problematic to the white population. Not only were they possible assistants to enslaved people and potential members of the labor force; their very existence undermined popular justifications for slavery. It is no surprise that, by the end of the Civil War, nine Southern states had enacted legal provisions for the "voluntary" enslavement of free blacks. What is surprising to modern sensibilities and perplexing to scholars is that some individuals did petition to rescind their freedom. Family or Freedom investigates the incentives for free African Americans living in the antebellum South to sacrifice their liberty for a life in bondage. Author Emily West looks at the many factors influencing these dire decisions—from desperate poverty to the threat of expulsion—and demonstrates that the desire for family unity was the most important consideration for African Americans who submitted to voluntary enslavement. The first study of its kind to examine the phenomenon throughout the South, this meticulously researched volume offers the most thorough exploration of this complex issue to date.
88 ) Hayek 1951 ; Pappe 1960 ; Robson 1968 ; Rossi 1970 ; Held 1971 ; Pugh 1978 ; Okin 1979 , MILL , JAMES ( and the Encyclopedia Britannica ) ( Doc . 31 ) Mazlish 1975 ; Okin 1979 . MILL , JOHN STUART ( Docs .
At that instant, Doris noticed a quiet woman she'd known from the campus, Kay McCollum. Doris had a sudden realization: This was Ruby McCollum's daughter. She had never made the connection before, but she suddenly recognized Kay's name ...
Draws on the letters and personal testimonies of freed slaves to describe the remaking of the African-American family during the Civil War and Reconstruction eras
Keckley, who helped arrange Sojourner Truth«s meeting with Lincoln. ... ̄26 From the start, Mary Todd Lincoln said she couldn«t afford to pay large amounts for her wardrobe¦the main point stressed by the first lady when she interviewed ...
Central to this industrializing process was slave labor. Money over Mastery, Family over Freedom tells the story of how slaves seized opportunities in these conditions to protect their family members from the auction block.
The Freedom Model for the Family is an approach for families dealing with a loved one who is struggling from addiction.
Best of all, the method works regardless of whether the one identified as “the problem” makes changes or not.
The standard biography of Luther Martin is Paul S. Clarkson and R. Samuel Jett, Luther Martin of Maryland (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1970). Clarkson and Jett depict Martin as the “slave's counsel” and an advocate for ...
An exhaustively researched history of black families in America from the days of slavery until just after the Civil War.
Using clinical, biblical and practical examples to help you uncover the patterns your family has lived in, this book might lead you toward the family u-turn you've been looking for.