At a time when food is becoming increasingly scarce in many parts of the world and food prices are skyrocketing, no industry is more important than agriculture. Humans have been farming for thousands of years, and yet agriculture has undergone more fundamental changes in the past 80 years than in the previous several centuries. In 1900, 30 million American farmers tilled the soil or tended livestock; today there are fewer than 4.5 million farmers who feed a population four times larger than it was at the beginning of the century. Fifty years ago, the planet could not have sustained a population of 6.5 billion; now, commercial and industrial agriculture ensure that millions will not die from starvation. Farmers are able to feed an exponentially growing planet because the greatest industrial revolution in history has occurred in agriculture since 1929, with U.S. farmers leading the way. Productivity on American farms has increased tenfold, even as most small farmers and tenants have been forced to find other work. Today, only 300,000 farms produce approximately ninety percent of the total output, and overproduction, largely subsidized by government programs and policies, has become the hallmark of modern agriculture. A Revolution Down on the Farm: The Transformation of American Agriculture since 1929 charts the profound changes in farming that have occurred during author Paul K. Conkin's lifetime. His personal experiences growing up on a small Tennessee farm complement compelling statistical data as he explores America's vast agricultural transformation and considers its social, political, and economic consequences. He examines the history of American agriculture, showing how New Deal innovations evolved into convoluted commodity programs following World War II. Conkin assesses the skills, new technologies, and government policies that helped transform farming in America and suggests how new legislation might affect farming in decades to come. Although the increased production and mechanization of farming has been an economic success story for Americans, the costs are becoming increasingly apparent. Small farmers are put out of business when they cannot compete with giant, non-diversified corporate farms. Caged chickens and hogs in factory-like facilities or confined dairy cattle require massive amounts of chemicals and hormones ultimately ingested by consumers. Fertilizers, new organic chemicals, manure disposal, and genetically modified seeds have introduced environmental problems that are still being discovered. A Revolution Down on the Farm concludes with an evaluation of farming in the twenty-first century and a distinctive meditation on alternatives to our present large scale, mechanized, subsidized, and fossil fuel and chemically dependent system.
This is the only manual of its kind, specifically written for natural and small-scale farmers who wish to expand or explore chemical-free, regenerative farming methods.
... 13-14 Country Life Commission, 77 Country Life Movement, 29 Cowley, Malcolm, 124 crafts, 23-26, 109 credit, bank, 3, 4, 5, 14, 19, 95, 100-101, 104, 130 crop failure, 66-73 crops. See specific crops and states dairy farming, 2, 12, ...
Today, The New Farm supplies top restaurants, supports community food banks, hosts events with leading chefs, and grows extraordinary produce. Told with humor and heart, The New Farm is a joy, a passionate book by an important new voice.
Hargreaves , Mary W. M. Dry Farming in the Northern Great Plains : Years of Readjustment , 1920-1990 . ... Agricultural History 50 ( October 1976 ) : 561-82 . ... Isern , Thomas D. Custom Combining on the Great Plains : A History .
The Agricultural Revolution, which reduced the real cost of food at the farm level, made possible a stable real cost of food to the consumer along with the many added services the marketing system provided.
Letters to a Young Farmer is a vital road map of how we eat and farm, and why now, more than ever before, we need farmers.
170 Phillip Turnipseed : John Carey , “ Architects of the Swamp , ” Scientific American , December 2013 , accessed August 3 , 2015 , . 172 40 percent of all the marsh : U.S. Geographical ...
These developments are recounted in this book, with detailed attention to the ways in which plants, animals, soil, climate, and society have interacted.
There were fifty-seven schools and nearly 3,000 black students in Montgomery County: Nina H. Clarke and Lillian B. Brown, History of the Black Public Schools of Montgomery County, Maryland, 1872–1961 (New York: Vantage Press, 1978), ...
Bush—Food Aid,”, May 2, 2008, -commodity-food-prices-pres-bush-food-aid/#more-758; Keith Good, “Farm Bill: Congress Moves Closer to Completion, Executive Branch States Priorities ...