In post-Civil War years agriculture in Mississippi, as elsewhere, was in a depressed condition. The price of cotton steadily declined, and the farmer was hard put to meet the payments on his mortgage. At the same time the corporate and banking interests of the state seemed to prosper. There were reasons for this beyond the ken of the poor hill farmer -- the redneck, as he was popularly termed. But the redneck came to regard this situation -- chronic depression for him while his mercantile neighbor prospered -- as a conspiracy against him, a conspiracy which was aided and abetted by the leaders of his party. Revolt of the Rednecks: Mississippi Politics 1876--1925 is a study of the struggle of the redneck to gain control of the Democratic Party in orger to effect reforms which would improve his lot. He was to be led into many bypaths and sluggish streams before he was to realize his aim in the election of Vardaman to the governorship in 1903. For almost two decades thereafter the rednecks were to hold undisputed control of the state government. The period was marked by many reforms and by some improvement in the economic plight of the farmer -- an improvement largely owing to factors which were uninfluenced by state politics. The period closes in 1925 with the repudiation and defeat at the polls of the farmers' trusted leaders, Vardaman and Bilbo.
Revolt of the Rednecks: Mississippi Politics
History of the struggle of the redneck (hill farmer) to gain control of the Democratic party, in order to better his lot.
Rednecks is a propulsive, character-driven tale that’s both a century old and blisteringly contemporary: a story of unexpected friendship, heroism in the face of injustice, and the power of love and community against all odds.
White. Liberals. These people are creating a terrible problem in our cities. They can't or won't hold a job, they flout the law constantly and neglect their children, they drink too much and their moral standards would shame an alley ...
Both my mamaws could cook something fierce. My momma's potato salad is something I'd fight for. I have eight aunts still living, and all of them but one can cook her ass off. But the absolute best chef in my family is hands down, ...
Lieutenant Governor - elect J. B. Snider and Judge Garland Lyell shared presiding duties , and the music of Lee Hardcastle and his Castles of the Air softened the celebrants before subjecting them to the speakers .
Explores the mind and soul of one of society's favorite punch lines, exposing the truth about this very human group of people who have been scorned and insulted enough and are tired of being dubbed "white trash." 30,000 first printing.
A history of the paradoxical time when the state's technology advanced and race relations deteriorated
In Sowing the Wind, Dorothy Overstreet Pratt traces the decision to call that convention, examines the delegates' decisions, and analyzes the impact of their new constitution.
Ayers , Edward L. The Promise of the New South : Life after Reconstruction . New York , 1992 . Vengeance and Justice : Crime and Punishment in the 19th Century South . New York , 1984 . . Bailey , N. Louise , Mary L. Morgan ...