Brings together a lifetime of work on the problems presented by the notion of a Christian philosophy, debates whether a Christian philosophy is possible, and outlines the steps for its development.
With Charles Sanders Peirce (1839–1914), American philosophy came of age. Peirceistheoriginator of one of the most influential schools of American philosophy: pragmatism. There are three central claims to Peirce's pragmatism:[411] 1.
In general, there are two categories of theories: anti-theistic theories, which basically state that our universe is here by a random accident and not because an intelligent being created it; and theistic theories, which hold that God ...
In this volume, established scholars representing a variety of cultural traditions, religious perspectives, and philosophical priorities all wrestle with how the idea of Christian philosophy should be understood, appropriated, and engaged ...
The various aspects of temporal reality and the cosmos in its entirety do not exist independently, but point toward their origin. Consequently, the philosophy which desires to fulfil its task...
In this book, abstract intellectual argument meets ordinary human experience on matters such as the existence of God and the relation between religion and morality.
Garrett J. DeWeese's contribution to the Christian Worldview Integration series addresses the fundamental questions of metaphysics, epistemology, ethics and aesthetics, philosophy of mind and philosophy of science from a Christian ...
Contours of a Christian Philosophy: An Introduction to Herman Dooyeweerd's Thought
This book, which is written for non-specialist readers, provides a concise conspectus of the emergence of philosophy among the Greeks; an account of its continuance in early Christian times, and its influence on early Christian thought, ...
First published in 2014. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
Believing Philosophy introduces Christians to philosophy and the tools it provides believers, helping them understand, articulate, and defend their faith in an age of unbelief.