Before 1958, Venezuela hadn't witnessed the successful transfer of power to an elected president. Yet in 1988 Venezuela marked the 13th anniversary of its constitutional system. This book provides an economic and political history of Venezuela and a commentary on its rich cultural heritage.
Booth, John. 1985. The End and the Beginning: The Nicaraguan Revolution. Boulder: Westview. Booth, John, and Thomas W. Walker. 1989. Understanding Central America. Boulder: Westview Borge, Tomás. 1984. Carlos, the Dawn Ls No Longer ...
MARY KAY VAUGHAN HELEN DELPAR BARREDA Y LAOS , FELIPE ( b . 1888 ; d . 1973 ) , Peruvian historian , lawyer , diplomat , educator . He was educated in a JESUIT school and at the University of San Marcos in Lima , where he became a ...
Nutini,Hugo G. 1968.San Bernardino Contla: Marriage and Family Structure in aTlax- calan Municipio. University of Pittsburgh Press, Pittsburgh. Nutini, Hugo G., and Betty Bell. 1980. Ritual Kinship: The Structure and Historical ...
Bradshaw was succeeded by C. Paul Southwell, who had also been employed in the sugar factory. He had been Bradshaw's closest friend and served as chief minister when Bradshaw was in the West Indian Federation government.
Patterson quotes a contemporary writer who suggested that the enthusiastic religious devotion of the slaves during and immediately after emancipation was due to their " zest for freedom an a token of gratitude to the preachers .
Commander John Hubbard , the commanding officer of the cruiser Nashville , found the following cable waiting for him at ... they landed at 8:30 A.M. The General Superintendent of the Panama Railway , J. R. Shaler , being privy to the ...
This authoritative reference book looks at the process by which Spain extended its influence throughout the modern world. It provides more than 1,200 brief descriptive essays covering colonies, individuals, political...
Settlement And Society In Colonial Durango Michael M Swann, David J Robinson ... Browning and David J. Robinson , " Census Legacy from the Spanish Empire , " Geographical Magazine , Vol . 48 ( 1976 ) , pp . 225230 ; David G. Browning ...
74 , 75 , 76 ; illegal before 1917 , 13 , Serrano , Francisco ( General ) , 6 31 , 62 ; in the national - revolutionSierra , Justo , 15 ary period , 94-95 , 96 , 98 , 108 , Silva Herzog , Jesús , 147 , 169 112–114 ; under Obregón and ...
(26)白俊杰:《巴西华侨华人概述》,载周南京主编:《华侨华人百科全书·历史卷》,中国华侨出版社2002年版,第36页。(27)白俊杰:《巴西华侨华人概述》,载周南京主编:《华侨华人百科全书·历史卷》,中国华侨出版社2002年版,第36页。(28)白俊杰:《巴西华侨华人 ...