Utilizing ethnographic and archaeological data and an updated paradigm derived from the best features of cultural ecology and ecological anthropology, this extensively illustrated book addresses over fifteen South American adaptive systems representing a broad cross section of band, village, chiefdom, and state societies throughout the continent over the past 13,000 years. Indigenous South Americans of the Past and Present presents data on both prehistoric and recent indigenous groups across the entire continent within an explicit theoretical framework. Introductory chapters provide a brief overview of the variability that has characterized these groups over the long period of indigenous adaptation to the continent and examine the historical background of the ecological and cultural evolutionary paradigm. The book then presents a detailed overview of the principal environmental contexts within which indigenous adaptive systems have survived and evolved over thousands of years. It discusses the relationship between environmental types and subsistence productivity, on the one hand, and between these two variables and sociopolitical complexity, on the other. Subsequent chapters proceed in sequential order that is at once evolutionary (from the least to the most complex groups) and geographical (from the least to the most productive environments)—around the continent in counterclockwise fashion from the hunter-gatherers of Tierra del Fuego in the far south; to the villagers of the Amazonian lowlands; to the chiefdoms of the Amazon várzea and the far northern Andes; and, finally, to the chiefdoms and states of the Peruvian Andes. Along the way, detailed presentations and critiques are made of a number of theories based on the South American data that have worldwide implications for our understanding of prehistoric and recent adaptive systems.
A History of Indigenous Latin America is a comprehensive introduction to the people who first settled in Latin America, from before the arrival of the Europeans to the present.
García Moll , Roberto , Daniel Juárez Cossío , Carmen Pijoan Aguade , María Elena Salas Cuesta , and Marcela Salas Cuesta . 1991. Catálogo de entierros de San Luis Tlatilco , México , Temporada IV ...
Compilation of 39 original essays intended for use in teaching about the native peoples of South American with a concentration on those areas of South American that still contain functioning Indian cultures. Includes 17"x22" fold out map.
This one-volume reference collects important information about the current status of the indigenous peoples of Central and South America and offers a chronology of the conquest of the Amerindian tribes; a list of tribes by country; and an ...
D'Ans, Andre-Marcel Y Maria Cortez Mondragon. 1973. Términos de colores cashinahua (paño). Lima: Universidad nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Centro de investigación de lingüistica aplicada, documento de trabajo no. 16.
Nutini,Hugo G. 1968.San Bernardino Contla: Marriage and Family Structure in aTlax- calan Municipio. University of Pittsburgh Press, Pittsburgh. Nutini, Hugo G., and Betty Bell. 1980. Ritual Kinship: The Structure and Historical ...
The book then surveys the activities of Cortes and Pizarro and the impact on native peoples, Portuguese activity on the eastern coast of South America, the demographic collapse of the native population, the role of the Catholic Church, and ...
With added coverage of the recent opening of diplomatic relations between the U.S. and Cuba and an all new chapter exploring challenges posed by economic growth and environmental sustainability, the new edition of this popular text will be ...
... por los pueblos': Autogoverno e práticas letradas nas missões guarani—século XVII,” Horizontes Antropológicos 10, no. 22 (December 2004): 93–119, “Prácticas letradas guaranies en las reducciones del Paraguay (siglos XVII y XVIII),” ...
The volume addresses the ways in which Indians have confronted the political, social, and economic problems they face today, and shows the diversity of the movements, both in lowlands and in highlands, tribal peoples, and peasants.