A natural history of the rise and fall of salmon in England, New England, and the Pacific Northwest cites the roles of the regions' changing landscapes and experimentation in the evolution and near-extinction of the species.
A cookbook covering everything from fish and shellfish preparation and storage to marinating and grilling includes additional information on creating the perfect sauces
The author of Sweet and Low presents a historical profile of Samuel Zemurray that traces his rise from a penniless youth to one of the world's wealthiest and most powerful men, offering insight into his capitalist talents and the ways in ...
The President's Salmon presents a rich cultural and biological history of the Atlantic salmon and the salmon fishery, primarily revolving around the Penobscot River, the last bastion for the salmon in America and a key battleground site for ...
Haboucha provides commentary and annotations to the folktales that enlighten both the academic and the lay reader, making this book at once appealing to scholars and enjoyable for the general public.
Acclaimed as a masterpiece around the world, Gould’s Book of Fish is at once a marvelously imagined epic of nineteenth-century Australia and a contemporary fable, a tale of horror, and a celebration of love, all transformed by a convict ...
A fascinating journey into the extraordinary world of the king of fish: the salmon. This beautiful book explores the natural history of this most mysterious of fishes.
Including all the basics and an extensive glossary, this essential volume will help you create and enjoy many delicious Mexican meals.
Lyrical text and magical paintings recount the story of a little girl and her father and mother as they journey by foot and boat through the storybook wonders of the world they share--a world where field and forest and fairy tale blend in a ...
Can Jones stop the demon's dangerous and terrifying plan? Full of humor and wild imagination, Kill Fish Jones will grip you by the throat and not let go!
The King of Fish