An engaging investigation of how the presidency has changed from its original role, as laid out in the U.S. Constitution, to become closer in power to an imperial monarch
Why did George Washington personally lead the militia that put down the Whiskey Rebellion? What drove Harry Truman to fire Douglas MacArthur at the height of the Korean War? Did...
This new edition of Almost President brings the work up-to-date with a section that explores the results and ramifications of the 2012 presidential election.
In the early days of the United States, people voted for the president and vice president on the same ballot.
Phillip J. Cooper, By Order of the President: The Use and Abuse of Executive Direct Action (Lawrence: University Press of Kansas, 2002), 22. 122. Ibid., 24. 123. Dames & Moore v. Regan, 453 U.S. 654 (1981). 124.
While many comparative analysts see parliamentary government as essential for stable democracy, this volume argues that the American presidential system that separates and diffuses power can provide new perspectives for those building ...
This collection includes speeches, letters, and other important documents from every American president from George Washington to Barack Obama.
Readers learn about how the President is elected, what the Presidential duties are, and who runs the nation if the President gets sick.
Explores the lives of the presidents and the evolution of the presidency.
Washington, D.C.: White House Historical Association/National Geographic/Harry Abrams, 1986. Seigel, Beatrice. George and Martha Washington at Home in New York. New York: Four Winds Press, 1989. Seigenthaler, John.
Interestingly, it is called, “The Greatest Speeches of Donald J. Trump.” Thank you Craig, I hear you got it right!!!"—President Donald J. Trump "Looking forward to this book on President Trump's Greatest Speeches - with the foreword ...