Gender in Modern East Asia

Gender in Modern East Asia
Westview Press
Barbara Molony, Janet Theiss, Hyaeweol Choi


"This comprehensive text covers the history of women and gender in Japan, Korea, and China in the early modern and modern eras by examining the dynamic histories of sexuality; gender ideology, discourse, and legal construction; marriage and the family; and the gendering of work, society, and power. The authors take the unique approach of locating gender history within a society's national history as well as describing its role in an integrated history of East Asia. In addition, this book examines the global context of historical changes in these countries and highlights cross-cultural themes that transcend national boundaries. For example, themes or concepts such as "writing," "the body," "feminism," "immigration and diasporas," and "Confucianism" are part of an integrated history. The authors capture the flow of ideas, people, materials, and texts throughout these three countries in an easily accessible way for students"--

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