The interstate highway system has had a powerful and continuing impact on America's economy and society. This assessment of the planning of the interstates explores the complex interaction between engineering design and politics in the creation of the system. In addition to providing an historical portrait of the process, the book addresses contemporary policy issues as well, assessing the national debate raging over the shape transportation should take in the 21st century.
President Eisenhower made it a keystone of his domestic agenda when he was elected to office in 1953. He envisaged a new, tax-based financing plan with the Federal Government bearing the largest share of construction costs.
This report, prepared by the Public Works Historical Society with some minor editing by AASHTO, outlines the origins of the Interstate and Defense Highway System, the early years of its...
In the wake of the Great Depression and two world wars, and at the dawn of the cold war, President Dwight D. Eisenhower viewed a national road system as vital...
From the speed demon who inspired a primitive web of dirt auto trails to the largely forgotten technocrats who planned the system years before Ike reached the White House to the city dwellers who resisted the concrete juggernaut when it ...
This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work is in the public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations.
The Dwight D. Eisenhower System of Interstate & Defense Highways, in place & celebrating its 40th anniversary, must surely be the best investment a nation ever made.
In Divided Highways, Tom Lewis tells the monumental story of the largest engineered structure ever built: the Interstate Highway System.
Goez Art Studio, 1975 Though his work defined a marketable image of the suburban good life in 1960s Los Angeles, David Hockney never actually painted an L.A. freeway. The closest he came was his 1980 portrait Mulholland Drive, ...
A Policy on Design Standards--interstate System
Integrating environmental considerations into all phases of transportation is an important, evolving process. The increasing awareness of environmental issues has made road development more complex and controversial.