This remarkably comprehensive anthology brings new life to the rich and turbulent late 18th-century period in New Jersey. Originally conceived for the state's 225th Anniversary of the Revolution Celebration Commission.
An analysis of New Jersey's role in the events leading up to the American Revolution emphasizes the colony's reaction to imperial laws and acts of violence, involvement with neighboring colonies,...
The essays in this collection identify and explore the interconnections between the events on the battlefield and the daily lives of ordinary colonists during the Revolution.
The essays in this collection identify and explore the interconnections between the events on the battlefield and the daily lives of ordinary colonists during the Revolution.
The book also includes historic sites to visit, markers, and websites for further research and study.
They still suffer prejudicial treatment by surrounding communities and are called the “Jackson Whites” by some. Stories and tales of their unknown origins and different lifestyles have been appearing in newspapers and magazines since ...
Guerrillas on the Jersey shore and down the river on the Pennsylvania side made foraging difficult and dangerous . Admiral Howe's fleet and the supply ships had come around from the Chesapeake to the Delaware , but those forts that had ...
It was also the most central colony, so that no matter where in America the fighting was, the troops had to cross through New Jersey to get to it. Let George Washington's New Jersey be your guide to this historic ground.
The essays in this collection identify and explore the interconnections between the events on the battlefield and the daily lives of ordinary colonists during the Revolution.
With its location astride two major routes between New York and Philadelphia, it is little wonder that Somerset County became the "Crossroads of the Revolution.
The American Revolution: A Historical Guidebook is an essential companion for anyone interested in the story and history of our nation's founding.