The United States is known as a "melting pot" yet this mix tends to be volatile and contributes to a long history of oppression, racism, and bigotry. Emerging Intersections, an anthology of ten previously unpublished essays, looks at the problems of inequality and oppression from new angles and promotes intersectionality as an interpretive tool that can be utilized to better understand the ways in which race, class, gender, ethnicity, and other dimensions of difference shape our lives today. The book showcases innovative contributions that expand our understanding of how inequality affects people of color, demonstrates the ways public policies reinforce existing systems of inequality, and shows how research and teaching using an intersectional perspective compels scholars to become agents of change within institutions. By offering practical applications for using intersectional knowledge, Emerging Intersections will help bring us one step closer to achieving positive institutional change and social justice.
As such, using the term “atheist” privileges western logics that are often promoted in rhetorical studies (Shome 1996). ... Coalition of America, used the term in the title of his book Nonbeliever Nation: The Rise of Secular Americans.
The Intelligence Community Studies Board of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine convened a workshop on February 27, 2020 to explore insights from world-class experts and technologists familiar with the extensive ...
... Emerging intersections: Race, class, and gender in theory, policy, and practice (pp. 101–122). New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press. Glenn, E. (1992). From servitude to service work: Historical continuities in the racial division ...
This book offers the most up-to-date portrait we have of Latinos in America today.
A fascinating look at diversity issues and an analysis of how intersectional groups garner political attention
This collection interrogates established theories and concepts in the light of recent developments and builds upon emergent research and original empirical findings.
... Emerging intersections-building knowledge and transforming institutions. In B. T. Dill & R. E. Zambarana (Eds.), Emerging intersections: Race, class, and gender in theory, policy, and practice (pp. vii-xvii). New Brunswick: Rutgers ...
Seeing with the cultured eye: Different perspectives of AfricanAmerican teachers and researchers. In D. S. Pollard & O. M. Welch ... Success factors of young African-American women at a historically Black college. Westport, CT: Praeger.
This book will equip ministry readers to embrace a Creole process, becoming culturally competent and social justice focused, whether they are emerging from a history of injustice or they are heirs of privilege.
The collection concludes with reflections from researchers associated with EATAW and related organizations.