"Serena Cosgrove effectively captures the dynamics of women's civil society organizing in this carefully written book. Her excellent and compelling ethnographic explorations are bound to inspire reflection, action, and committed scholarship."---Elisabeth Jay Friedman, University of San Francisco --
... Pablo and Johnson, Niki (2004), Financing the Information Society in the South: A Global Public Goods Perspective, Working Paper, Instituto del Tercer Mundo, Montevideo. http://rights.apc.org/documents/financing.pdf AMARC (2003a), ...
State of Democracy in Mongolia: A Desk Study
But what exactly has gone wrong? The answer, Niall Ferguson argues in The Great Degeneration, is that our institutions--the intricate frameworks within which a society can flourish or fail--are degenerating.
Orçamento, estado e povo: processo de orçamento, sociedade civil e transparência em Angola
Civility in an English Village
根据蒙 2011 年可中圃互联箭舺箱各信息中心( CNNIC )証周查,大陛释路使用者以 20 - 29 歳估最多敷,估全髅人敷 29.8 % ,其次是 10 - 19 歳估 267 % ,再者是 30 - 39 歳估 257 %。遣也就是諡, 30 歳以下的释路使用者超遇全髅一半絃的估 56 %。
A central underlying theme of the book is the notion of governance as a process of interaction between different societal and political actors and the growing interdependencies between the two as modern societies become ever more complex, ...
Regulation of the Press: Nine Key Questions for Civil Society
Avishai Margalit hingegen argumentiert für das Streben nach einer”anständigen“Gesellschaft, das heißt nach einer Gesellschaft, deren Institutionen die Menschen nicht demütigen.