This anthology contains seventeen essays covering eighteenth-century agrarian unrest, the Revolutionary War, politics in the Jackson era, feminism and the women's movements, slavery from the seventeenth to the nineteenth centuries, strikes and labor struggles, land use and regional planning issues, Blacks in Newark, the current political state of New Jersey, and more. The contributors are Michal R. Belknap, Patricia U. Bonomi, Lyle W. Dorsett, John P. Dwyer, Jim Fisher, Charles E. Funnell, Steve Golin, Bradley M. Gottfried, Paul E. Johnson, David L. Kirp, Mark Edward Lender, Maxine N. Lurie, Richard P. McCormick, Mary R. Murrin, Larry A. Rosenthal, Amy Shapiro, Warren E. Stickle III, Lorraine E. Williams, Giles R. Wright
The story then moves to the rise of suburbs, the concomitant decline of the state’s cities, growing population density, and changing patterns of wealth.
BARRY. N. MALZBERG. &. BILL. PRONZINI. Rutherford. Listen. to me. Please listen. Everything I'm about to tell you is the gospel truth. I can't live with this terrible secret any longer. It's been thirty-five years, but I've never ...
This book functions the same way: it gives dozens of different contributors the chance to share what New Jersey looks like to them.
Publication of this book is made possible in part by a grant from the Institute of Italian and Italian American Heritage Studies, State of New Jersey.
Camden: Battleship New Jersey museum, 259; Campbell Soup Company, xii, 181, 188, 189,277,293; in Civil War period, 160, 163, 170; and ferry service, 275; in Jacksonian era, 116–117; New York Shipbuilding Corporation, 252; in post–Civil ...
Everything you've ever wanted to know about the Garden State can now be found in one place.
This remarkably comprehensive anthology brings new life to the rich and turbulent late 18th-century period in New Jersey. Originally conceived for the state's 225th Anniversary of the Revolution Celebration Commission.
The Turnpike. The Parkway. The Shore. Malls. Mobsters. Bad accents. No other state in America elicits reaction quite like New Jersey.
Thanks to Roy D'Andrade and Naomi Quinn for other anthropological kindnesses . ... Thanks also to Reginald Bishop , Elsa Vineberg , Eve Sachs , Charles Coogan , Roberta Parkinson , Marie Logue , Patricia Wilder , Dwight Smith ...
The Poets of New Jersey celebrates sixty-five extraordinary poets who have lived and worked in New Jersey, from Colonial times to the present. Many of the poets included in this...