94 16. Synthetic replacements; inclusions formed by replacement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i . . . . . . . . 95 17. Textures of oOlitic iron ores; pyrite; iron bacteria .
This book is specifically designed for the field geologist working without the benefits of sophisticated chemical, mineralogical or petrological support.
Ore Textures: Recognition and Interpretation
Ore Textures: Infill texture
In contrast to the rather "stereotyped" treatment of textures in conjunction with ore minerals, the author believes that a comparative study (i. e., by the application of the principles of comparative anatomy) of textural patterns is ...
This book is intended as a text for such an introductory course in economic geology, primarily for senior undergraduate and graduate students in colleges and universities.
A bright-yellow, triangular-textured patch is clearly visible and several others are present which are slightly more obscure due to much of the sericite washing out during sample preparation. Similar patches of dark-purple fluorite are ...
Ore Textures: Recognition and Interpretation
The book contains 46 thematic plates comprising 330 colour photographs, each accompanied by a description and, where appropriate, an interpretation. The plates are complemented by text that reviews relevant genetic...
Ore Textures: Alteration textures
Provides an up-to-date introduction to the subject of ore microscopy, emphasizing the basic skills required for the study of opaque minerals in polished sections. Describes the modern ore microscope, the...