More than sixty scientists took part in the expedition, almost all, of course, being biologists. Among those who accompanied us were Professor J. C. Granja of the Department of Geology of the Uni— versity of Ecuador, Quito; ...
Geology of Galapagos, Cocos, and Easter Islands
This book would be of special interest to a multidisciplinary audience in earth sciences, including petrologists, volcanologists, geochronologists, geochemists, and geobiologists.
This book details the natural history of the plants and animals found in the Galapagos Islands.
Nelson, B.C. 1927. “After Its Kind” The First and Last Word on Evolution. Augsburg Publishing House, Minneapolis. Nelson, G. 1978. From Candolle to Croizat: comments on the history of biogeography. Journal of the History of Biology ...
In: Hardy D (ed) Thera and the Aegean World III, London: Thera Foundation, 2: 113-121 RitterJ R R, Jordan M, Christensen U R, Achauer U, 2000. A mantle plume below the Eifel volcanic fields, Germany. Earth Planet SciLett, 186: 7-14 ...
The field of Igneous Petrology has evolved greatly in the past years. McBirney's new Third Edition, completely revised and updated, presents a modern and integrated survey of the geological and genetic relations of igneous rocks.
... Islands . New York : Basic Darwin , Charles . On the Origin of Species . New York : Books , 2001 . Random House ... Petrology of the Galapagos Islands . The Geological Society of America , 1969 . McCullen , Conley . Flowering Plants of ...
... Galápagos magmas: Mantle and crustal fractionation without assimilation. J. Petrol. 39, 953–971. doi:10.1093/petroj ... geology and geochemistry of Isla Floreana, Galápagos: a different type of late-stage ocean island volcanism,” in The ...