This book begins with the dynamic characteristics of the covering layerbedrock type slope, containing monitoring data of the seismic array, shaking table tests, numerical analysis and theoretical derivation.
... 2003,308 Seiten, broschiert, ISBN 978-3-7281-2883-6 Band 219: Alex Schneider: Sicherheit gegen Niederbruch im Untertagbau ETH-Dissertation Nr. 14556, 2002, 240 Seiten, broschiert, ISBN 978-3-7281-2872-0 Band 220: Georg Anagnostou, ...
C re s t L in e C i t y C r e e k C a n y o n U . S . F . S . R o a d B o n n e v i ll e S h o r e li n e T r a il A ... Ground-water levels elsewhere in Weber and Davis Counties (Kenney, 1999) in wells where the effects of large water ...
No Safe Harbour, The Halifax Explosion Diary of Charlotte Blackburn by Julie Lawson Turned Away, The World War II Diary of Devorah Bernstein by Carol Matas Where the River Takes Me, The Hudson's Bay Company Diary of Jenna Sinclair by ...
Mass movement ; the research frontier and beyond : a geomorphological approach . Geomorphology 7 ( 1-3 ) : 85-128 . Brunsden , D. & Chandler , J.H. 1996. Development of an episodic landform change model based upon the Black Ven mudslide ...
Describes how and why earthquakes happen, the damage they can cause, ways to avoid and survive them, and famous landslides of the past.
Readers of this action-packed book will learn many earth-shattering facts, such as that a mudslide can move at speeds up to 50 miles (80 km) per hour! Diagrams explain how and why these natural disasters happen.
Landslides: Causes, Consequences & Environment
Strange Bedfellows