This quick reference manual offers accessible, reliable knowledge on small animal dermatology in the popular Blackwell's Five-Minute Veterinary Consult format. The second edition of Blackwell’s Five-Minute Veterinary Consult Clinical Companion: Small Animal Dermatology is a completely new compilation of information, with rewritten, reorganized, and updated chapters which offer even faster access to commonly used dermatology information. Aiding busy practitioners in making rapid, accurate decisions, the book offers complete coverage of diagnostic tools and information in an easy-to-use bulleted format. This new edition includes many new topics such as diagnostic cultures, the diagnostic approach to the dermatology patient, precancerous conditions, zoonoses, and breed predispositions. In addition, existing content has been fully revised to provide a resource that is current and clinically relevant. New to this edition are printable client handouts on a back-of-book CD for use in your practice. With more than 550 color photographs to aid in diagnosis and useful appendices on dermatologic drugs and toxicities, the book is packed with essential information for veterinarians and students alike.
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Am J Ophthalmol 1973; 76:143–146. Hornfeldt CS. Plant toxicity in small animals: oxalate-containing plants. Vet Prac Staff 1993; 5(5):2–5. Knight AP. A Guide to Poisonous House and Garden Plants. Jackson Hole, WY: Teton NewMedia, 2006; ...
Want access to this book online? The full book content is also available as part of VetConsult, an online subscription platform with a powerful search function.
Key Features Provides concise, bulleted information focused on the most important facts needed when treating a poisoned cat or dog Carefully organized for ease of use in an emergency, with important toxicants arranged alphabetically within ...
This fully revised edition offers more color images, general updates from recent developments, and extensive revisions to the diagnostic and techniques sections, as well as additional information on charting with corresponding illustrations ...
This revised edition adds 25 new diseases and conditions, and a new companion website offers client education handouts to download and use in practice.
Want access to this book online? The full book content is also available as part of VetConsult, an online subscription platform with a powerful search function.
With information ranging from artificial insemination and fetal sexing to parentage testing and vaccination programs, the book offers 158 similarly formatted chapters to help practitioners efficiently manage reproductive health in the mare ...
This book is an essential purchase for general practitioners treating exotic companion animals, exotic animal veterinarians, and veterinary students.
Based on the 2nd ed. print version, provides information for diagnosing and managing the clinical problems seen daily by practitioners. Included is the complete companion text, as well as a library of more than 400 diagnostic images.