Blackwell’s Five-Minute Veterinary Consult ClinicalCompanion: Canine and Feline Infectious Diseases and Parasitology,Second Edition takes a user-friendly alphabetical formatto cover a wide spectrum of canine and feline infectious diseasesand parasite-related disorders. Part of the popular Five-MinuteVeterinary Consult series, it includes information on manyspecific organisms and diseases, from amebiasis and Ehrlichiosis torabies and ticks. The text also provides extensive differentialdiagnostic lists, as well as information on drugs, dosages,toxicity, treatment options, diagnostic testing, immunizationrecommendations, and cytological appearance. The Second Edition presents three new chapters on canineinfluenza, sarcoptic mange, and staphylococcalpyoderma. Blackwell’s Five-Minute Veterinary ConsultClinical Companion: Canine and Feline Infectious Diseases andParasitology, Second Edition is an ideal quick reference forveterinary professionals and students.
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Key Features Provides concise, bulleted information focused on the most important facts needed when treating a poisoned cat or dog Carefully organized for ease of use in an emergency, with important toxicants arranged alphabetically within ...
This fully revised edition offers more color images, general updates from recent developments, and extensive revisions to the diagnostic and techniques sections, as well as additional information on charting with corresponding illustrations ...
Treatment Goals (“CCATS,” Moriello) □ Confinement: affected animals should be confined to a specific area of the home. □ Cleaning: cleaning will help prevent false-positive fungal culture results on the animal; fungal spores do not ...
This revised edition adds 25 new diseases and conditions, and a new companion website offers client education handouts to download and use in practice.
With information ranging from artificial insemination and fetal sexing to parentage testing and vaccination programs, the book offers 158 similarly formatted chapters to help practitioners efficiently manage reproductive health in the mare ...
This book is an essential purchase for general practitioners treating exotic companion animals, exotic animal veterinarians, and veterinary students.
Based on the 2nd ed. print version, provides information for diagnosing and managing the clinical problems seen daily by practitioners. Included is the complete companion text, as well as a library of more than 400 diagnostic images.
Addressing both individual medicine and herd health, the book focuses on cattle, sheep, and goats, with additional coverage of other ruminant species, including bison, water buffalo, and camelids.
This new volume in the Five-Minute Veterinary Consult series offers 128 identically formatted topics on avian syndromes, written by the leading experts in the field.