Television in America examines the history of the industry from a local station perspective. Some interesting ramifications are: What would have happened to the ABC network without the support of its key station, WABC? What effect did KSL television have on the Mormon Church communication empire? Can stations in Atlanta and Orlando be credited with promoting a civil-rights agenda before it was politically correct? Would the Kefauver hearings have taken on as much national significance had it not been for the local coverage of WMAL-TV? Without the efforts of WEW's Dorothy Fieldheim and Nancy Craig at WABC, would women have been welcomed in the nation's newsrooms? The histories of the 20 television stations in this unique collection help answer these questions and set the stage for further inquiry.
... Jr. Resident Scholar Randall Lutter Resident Scholar John H. Makin Resident Scholar ; Director , Fiscal Policy Studies Allan H. Meltzer Visiting Scholar Joshua Muravchik Resident Scholar Charles Murray Bradley Fellow Michael Novak ...
Lessons, Challenges, and the Way Forward Communication Initiative (Organization), FAO., Food and Agriculture ... Reform Project Conseiller Technique Principal FAO Cameroun Yaoundé Founding President Community Kathmandu Radio Association ...
As I flipped through the pages my eye caught the recurring name of Alice Stone Blackwell . A feminist editor and writer , daughter of Lucy Stone , Alice Stone Blackwell , it was clear from the book , had befriended the two prisoners .
遇到「重酸」的酸民或指責,留言會自動向下沉,切勿回覆。 4.遇到髒話或言語中傷、侮辱的留言,可先宣告已對此留言存證,並將採法律途徑,一小段時間之後通常對方會自動收回留言。上述四點「酸民處理原則」,大致是針對各種不同程度的網路留言,提供處理模式建議 ...
... 人们举办招兵节来表达感激之情。关于招兵节还有另外一个传说,是关于盘瓠王的。相传在很久以前,凤凰山区域深受番王的压迫,人民的生活苦不堪言,盘瓠王看在眼里,急在心里,就动身前往番邦 行刺番王,哪知惊动了番兵,被番兵一路追赶直到海边。
此前罗永浩在壁纸上也下了功夫。不过,颇有文艺风的他在发布会上反驳乔布斯说:“所有用风景图片做默认壁纸的厂商都是土包子。”雷军不以为然,他觉得应把壁纸当成一门艺术。为了找到更好的壁纸,小米开发了专用的壁纸挑选工具,挑选过几十万张精美壁纸, ...
... 3-17 戴爾微博廣告圖片來源:新浪微博(戶外媒介廣告是指在街道、車站、碼頭、建築物等公共場合按有關規定允許設置、張貼的招牌、海報、旗幟、氣球、路牌等宣傳廣告ꎮ 這類廣告的優點是成本低、持久性強ꎻ 缺點是輻射範圍小、 ...
中国报纸产业制度的调整与变革带给报业生存和发展的内在驱动力,这一论点得到报业发展明确而清晰的实证。与既往研究的宏观表述不同,本书将焦点聚于报业制度选择的微观层面 ...
EFFECTIVE SMALL GROUP AND TEAM COMMUNICATION presents original research based upon the experiences of functioning groups. The text emphasizes an interactive approach to teaching small group communication and contains activities...