In 1958, facing court-ordered integration, Virginia's governor closed public schools in three cities. His action provoked not only the NAACP but also large numbers of white middle-class Virginians who organized to protest school closings. This compilation of essays explores this contentious period in the state's history. Contributors argue that the moderate revolt against conservative resistance to integration reshaped the balance of power in the state but also delayed substantial school desegregation. Annotation copyrighted by Book News, Inc., Portland, OR
... John Carson, Scott Kurashige, Matthew Countryman, Fred Cooper, Sonya Rose, Kathleen Canning, Charlie Bright, Maris Vinovskis, Kevin Gaines, Penny Von Eschen, Martha Jones, Damon Salesa, Terry McDonald, Kali Israel, Rebecca Scott, ...
Revolution as Tragedy: The Dilemma of the Moderate from Scott to Arnold
In New York, Jack Greenberg happily explained that “the time for deliberate speed has expired.” Greenberg added that the Green case would be used to reopen most of the organization's two hundred pending school desegregation suits in the ...
As Mississippi's attorney general from 1956 to 1969, Joe T. Patterson led the legal defense for Jim Crow in the state.
Providing historical context and contemporary analysis, this book offers a new perspective of a largely overlooked episode and seeks to help place the struggle for public education in Prince Edward County into its proper place in the civil ...
In this groundbreaking application of game theory to political phenomena, Youssef Cohen argues that structural conditions in Latin American countries did not necessarily preclude the implementation of social and economic reforms within a ...
The Democrats' Dilemma begins with Mondale's early career in Minnesota politics, from his involvement with Hubert Humphrey to his election to the United States Senate in 1964.
Skaar, E. (2005) 'Argentina: Truth, Justice, and Reconciliation', in E.Skaar, S.Gloppen and A.Surhke (eds), Roads to Reconciliation, Lexington, MA: Lexington ... Taylor, C.L. and Hudson, M. (1972) (eds) World Handbook of References 177.
Ten years ago, Michael Pollan confronted us with this seemingly simple question and, with The Omnivore’s Dilemma, his brilliant and eye-opening exploration of our food choices, demonstrated that how we answer it today may determine not ...
58 It quickly became clear to Bevel and Nash that Hamer possessed hidden strengths, and SNCC invited her to join them. She was a deeply religious person whose faith manifested itself in empathy for those like herself who lived at the ...