Rieff articulates a comprehensive, typological theory of Western culture. Using visual illustrations, he contrasts the changing modes of spiritual and social thought that have struggled for dominance throughout Western history.
In Women, Men, and Spiritual Power, John Coakley explores male-authored narratives of the lives of Catherine of Siena, Hildegard of Bingen, Angela of Foligno, and six other female prophets or mystics of the late Middle Ages.
Authority in Classrooms
10. D. A. Lieberman, Learning and Memory: An Integrative Approach (Belmont: Wadsworth, 2004) 442. 11. M. A. Conway, “Autobiographical Knowledge and Autobiographical Memories,” in Rubin, ed., Remembering Our Past, 86. 12.
Uwagi o polskim zgromadzeniu - Jacek Kurczewski Rzecznik Praw Obywatelskich na scenie politycznej - Jolanta Arcimowicz Socjotechnika reformy systemu ubezpieczeń społecznych w Polsce - Marek Rymsza Prawa dziecka w Polsce - teoria i ...
This second volume of the journal, ?The Authority of Mystery: The Word of God and the People of God, ? is inspired by the scholarship of Pope Benedict XVI?especially Benedict's concerns about the relation of the Bible to faith in Christ.
"A philosophical treatment of the idea of authority, this book is a dialogue between three characters.
Something closer to a value judgment may seem to be present in such an expression as " you should ( you ought to ) read David Copperfield ” which may be translated , “ you will be reinforced if you read David Copperfield .
Lee , Aquila H.I .: From Messiah to Preexistent Son . 2005. Volume II / 192 . Lee , Pilchan : The New Jerusalem in the Book of Relevation . 2000. Volume II / 129 . Lichtenberger , Hermann : Das Ich Adams und das Ich der Menschheit .
A fully illustrated introduction to the world of law, for people who haven't read anything about law before. This book is an entertaining and thought-provoking guide to what laws are, who makes them and how people enforce them.