Examines the accomplishments and mistakes made by George Washington, discussing why he was sensitive to criticism and slow to accept blame, but still managed to envision a free and united America.
... humanism can be classified as theoretical, investigational, socio-political and religiosity. Ecological humanism originated from the ancient Greek philosophers, which centralizes humanity for the better environment. The Pioneers of Eco- ...
... realistic and idealistic visions . If we want to define these two concepts solely from the point of view of staging , we must first of all assert that the realistic vision does not directly proceed from the text of the piece ( whether ...
... position (il sito) of the nation “relative to other kingdoms and parts of the world ... being a potent occasion, and almost a cause, of extensive trading of a kingdom”. Rating nations according to their geographical position, “Venice ...
... Informal Classroom Observations Sally J. Zepeda Lead with Me:| A Principal's Guide to Teacher Leadership Gayle Moller and Anita Pankake Countdown to the Principalship: A Resource Guide for Beginning Principals O'Rourke, Provenzano, ...
... Realistic Visionary, 146. 559. Henriques, Realistic Visionary, 154; Twohig, “That Species of Property,” 117; Brookhiser, Founding Father, 181. 560. Wiencek, Imperfect God, 356. 561. Henriques, Realistic Visionary, 152; Brookhiser ...
Defining NASA's Mission and America's Vision for the Future of Space Exploration: Hearings Before the Subcommittee on National Security, International...
Robert Owen: Realist Or Visionary?
During the Revolution, officers recalled Emer de Vattel's warnings of “savage and monstrous excess,” and Greene's arguments that “cruelty was dishonourable.”20 But for Jackson, his enemies were “inhuman,” and he ordered, “If the enemy ...
Benjamin Tallmadge, Memoir of Colonel Benjamin Tallmadge (New York, 1968), 23; Comment of General John Armstrong, October 9, 1777, in Henry Steele Com- mager and Richard B. Morris, eds., The Spirit of '76:The Story of theAmerican ...
Nevertheless, ideas codified by the psychoanalyst Carl Jung have helped me understand George Washington's character. Jung posits that forces in the subconscious often drive people, prompting them to erect defenses against unwanted ...