The result of an investigation into the grading writing by the National Council of Teachers of English Committee on Alternatives to Grading Student Writing, this collection of essays offers the writing teacher several innovative and interesting options. Following an introduction by the editor (chair of the Committee), in which he delineates the field of possibilities, the essays and their authors are, as follows: (1) "It's Broken--Fix It!" (Liesel K. O'Hagan); (2) "Growth-Biased Assessing of Writers--A More Democratic Choice" (Marie Wilson Nelson); (3) "Writing Students Need Coaches, Not Judges" (Lynn Holaday); (4) "Response: A Promising Beginning for Learning to Grade Student Writing" (Carol Beeghly Bencich); (5) "Can You Be Black and Write and Right?" (Elaine B. Richardson); (6) "Alternative Assessment of Second-Language Writing: A Developmental Model" (Janis Massa); (7) "Scribliolink: Inviting Parents To Respond to Their Children's Writing" (Joyce C. Fine); (8) "Student Attitudes toward Grades and Evaluation on Writing" (Jean S. Ketter and Judith W. Hunter); (9) "Writing at Reading: How a Junior Year in England Changes Student Writers" (Mary B. Guthrow); (10) "Assessment through Collaborative Critique" (Sarah Robbins and others); (11) "What Grades Do for Us, and How To Do without Them" (Marcy Bauman); (12) "Seeing How Good We Can Get It" (Kelly Chandler and Amy Muentener); (13) "Grading on Merit and Achievement: Where Quality Meets Quantity" (Stephen Adkison and Stephen Tchudi); (14) "Total Quality: A Farewell to Grades" (Charles McDonnell); (15) "Using a Multidimensional Scoring Guide: A Win-Win Situation" (Gail M. Young); (16) "Students Using Evaluation in Their Writing Process" (Jacob S. Blumner and Francis Fritz); (17) "Unlocking Outcome-Based Education through the Writing Process" (Rick Pribyl); (18) "Portfolio Assessment as an Alternative to Grading Student Writing" (Kathleen Jones); and (19) "Issues To Consider When Scoring Student Portfolios" (Anne Wescott Dodd). Faculty workshops in alternatives to grading student writing were: "Developing Intrinsic Motivation for Students' Writing" (Immaculate Kizza); "Weighing and Choosing Alternatives" (Stephen Tchudi); "Contract Grades: An Agreement between Students and Their Teachers" (Lynda S. Radican); and "Using Rubrics and Holistic Scoring of Writing" (Jean S. Ketter); "Alternative Assessment Methods across the Disciplines" (Pamela B. Childers); and "Communicating with Parents and the Public" (Marilyn M. Cooper). Individual chapters contain references. (NKA)
More than just a catalog of grading options, however, this is a handbook with a point of view. Its purpose is to help teachers become intentional about their grading practices.
Asao B. Inoue argues for the use of labor-based grading contracts along with compassionate practices to determine course grades as a way to do social justice work with students.
Explores grading strategies for English composition teachers that are consistent with modern discourse and pedagogical theories.
This collection explores the issues and problems that have emerged as conventional grading practices have lagged behind and been challenged by new theories of language.
This reference book is a helpful guide to the vast and sometimes bewildering body of research on the grading of student writing. The volume includes entries for more than 1300 books and articles on grading published between 1970 and 1996.
Based on rigorous and replicated research, this is the first book to show why and how faculty who wish to focus on learning, rather than sorting or judging, might proceed.
The Professor's Guide to Integrating Writing, Critical Thinking, and Active Learning in the Classroom John C. Bean, ... or précis of articles or lectures, is a superb way to develop reading and listening skills, practice decentering, ...
. This must-have book will help teachers learn to implement improved, equity-focused grading for impact." —Zaretta Hammond, Author of Culturally Responsive Teaching & The Brain Crack open the grading conversation Here at last—and none ...
The book you're about to read is not only a superb analysis of rubrics but a lesson in how to apply careful thinking to classroom practice. -Alfie Kohn,...
Introduces statement from preface about application activities for a wide range of writing evaluation strategies elementary classroom teachers can use to determine a grade.