NCTE's Assembly for the Teaching of English Grammar provides this much-needed resource for Kâ€?college teachers who wonder what to do about grammar—how to teach it, how to apply it, how to learn what they themselves were never taught. Grammar Alive! offers teachers ways to negotiate the often conflicting goals of testing, confident writing, the culturally inclusive classroom, and the teaching of Standard English while also honoring other varieties of English. This hands-on approach to grammar in the classroom includes numerous examples and practical vignettes describing real teachers' real classroom experiences with specific grammar lessons—including ESL issues—as well as a review of grammar basics. --
A common concern of teachers in the English-speaking world is that students at all levels often show very little knowledge of grammar. As traditionally taught (if taught at all), grammar...
English grammar alive !
An introduction to the Latin language designed for middle-school to high-school level learners.
English Alive: Grammar, Function, and Setting
But in France and in some parts of Italy, the north particularly, the word for “cheese” is different: French fromage, Italian formaggio. Where did it come from? In this case, the matrix is a phrase, caseum formaticum “cheese made in a ...
Troianus , -a , -um Trojan 4. equus , -i m . , horse 5. ligneus , -a , -um wooden 6. Aeneas , -ae m . , Proper Noun , mythological 7. navigo ( 1 ) to sail 8. annus , -i m . , year 9. ad + acc . into 10. Publius Vergilius Maro Proper ...
This week of practice pages build first graders' language skills.
This week of practice pages build third graders' language skills.
This week of practice pages build second graders' language skills.
Among the imaginative features of the book is a two-week introduction to spoken Greek, which immerses students in the sound and basic vocabulary of the language so that they are comfortable as they learn to read and write. (Conversational ...