Noting that while writing teachers acknowledge that responding to their students' writing is central to their teaching, they still express frustration about how to make their response effective. This book describes a two-part study conducted to discover how the nation's most successful writing teachers respond to their students' work. The first chapter provides background information, the rationale behind the study, and an elaboration of the research questions. The second chapter presents details of the experimental design, including procedures for selecting the 560 successful teachers and their 715 students who participated in the first part of the survey. This chapter also discusses ethnography--observing response practices--in the two ninth grade writing classes that participated in the second part of the study. The third chapter describes the response practices of the teachers, and their range and helpfulness, while the fourth chapter analyzes values about writing uncovered in the survey, the underpinnings and structuring of response. The fifth chapter provides a summary of the research, including characteristics of the successful teachers and their response practices, while the sixth chapter contemplates what can be learned from the study. The book concludes with 83 references and the following appendixes: (1) the National Writing Project surveys; (2) assignment sequences; (3) note-taking conventions and procedures for in-class data collection; (4) criteria for determining what was to be recorded on camera; (5) supplementary tables; (6) questions for character analysis; and (7) student writing samples. (SKC)
This text sets out to help teachers gain a practical understanding of response to student writings. It displays and analyzes various sets of comments, defining the strategies used in each...
A Sourcebook for Responding to Student Writing is a resource for writing teachers. It provides a range of teacher comments on a sampling of college student papers and an anthology...
In Reconstructing Response to Student Writing Dan Melzer makes the argument that writing instructors should shift the construct so that peer response and student self-assessment are more central than teacher response.
Flash Feedback also takes teachers to the next level of strategic feedback by sharing: How to craft effective, efficient, and more memorable feedback Strategies for scaffolding students through the meta-cognitive work necessary for real ...
This comprehensive collection covers the major issues writing teachers face in setting agendas for teaching writing to non-native speakers.
Hodos, W., and Campbell, C. B. (1969). Scala Naturae: Why there is no theory in comparative psychology. Psychological Review 76: 337–50. Hume, D. (1985 [1739]). A Treatise ofHuman Nature. Harmondsworth, UK: Penguin.
How do well-recognized teachers of composition make comments on student writing? What might be learned about teacher response through their example? In Twelve Readers Reading: Responding to College Student Writing,...
California Teacher of the Year award-winner and celebrated trade author, Alan Sitomer, outlines the Triple C writing system--a sequence of writing steps that helps students write concisely and convincingly in response to a prompt.
The result of an investigation into the grading writing by the National Council of Teachers of English Committee on Alternatives to Grading Student Writing, this collection of essays offers the...
Flash Feedback seeks to alleviate these struggles by taking teachers to the next level of strategic feedback by sharing: How to craft effective, efficient, and more memorable feedback Strategies for scaffolding students through the meta ...