Two collectors of 19th-century photographia and a professor of photography, theater, and cinema (Ohio State U.) explore the uniquely American form of photography also known as melainotype and the ferrotype. Developed in Ohio, it flourished between 1861 and 1863 and was faster, cheaper, and more durable than the daguerreotype. It involved reproducing the photographic image on thin sheets of iron instead of glass. A century later they reveal details of hairstyles, clothing, and surroundings and a degree of relaxation that are lost from the more formal daguerreotypes of the time. Annotation copyrighted by Book News, Inc., Portland, OR
A collection of nineteenth-century tintypes in the collection of the author, with an introduction concerning the tintype as art.
The book is a history of the ferrotype, or tintype, in American photography, from its origin in the 1850s until 1880. The heart of the book is the extended accounts...
By Steven kasher, with contributions by Geoffrey Batchen and Karen Halttunen.
Twelve for a Quarter: The American Gem Tintype Album
According to the historian Kathleen Collins, “These schools were the first in the South to be supported by taxation.” See Collins, “Portraits of Slave Children,” p. 187. See Mark Dunkelman, Gettysburg's Unknown Soldier: The Life, Death, ...
This beautifully illustrated book contains more new information about photographic history than any recent volume.
USE I 134 T IS A MYSTERY HOW FROM " A CLOUD OF WITNESSES ” THESE ANCESTORS came to me . ... Years ago Bill Doan and I arrived at the title Hidden Witness for my collection of photographs of African - Americans made before and during the ...
In this collection of extraordinary portraits, Timothy Duffy brings new vitality to this old form, capturing powerful images of musicians who represent the roots of American music.
40 Jackson had hired Earl as his “court painter” to meet the demand for his portrait, and Earl painted more than ... In 1886, actor Edwin Booth wrote of the inspiration he derived from the portraits and death masks of great actors ...
One especially clever artist, Charles Henry Lanneau, even went to the trouble of inserting his own ruby glass ambrotype portrait of Private Ezekiel Taylor Bray of the Sixteenth Regiment, Georgia Volunteer Infantry, ...