A collection of articles, most of them published previously. The following deal with antisemitism:
The historiography of Reform Judaism goes back to a four- volume work by Immanuel Heinrich Ritter, who served as a preacher for the Reform Congregation in Berlin. Entitled History of the Jewish Reformation, it began to appear in 1858.1 ...
This is a history of the Reform movement, tracing its changing configuration and self-understanding from the beginnings of modernisation in late 18th-century Jewish thought and practice to American renewal in the 1970s.
Paris: Éditions Bernard Grasset, 1967. Sperber, Jonathan. Karl Marx: A Nineteenth-Century Life. New York: Norton, 2013. Spykman, Nicholas J. The Social Theory of Georg Simmel. New York: Russell & Russell, [1925] 1964.
As he nears the end of his narrative, the author explains how the discovery of Sherwood Anderson's stories "freed his writing hand" (544 [490]). Until then, he had found writing daunting since he could not match in his personal ...
I listened, I heard no sound. For I awaited the response for the first time; hitherto it had always surprised me, as though I had never heard it before. Awaited, it failed to come. But now something happened with me.
For an exposition of this theme with regard to Jewish law, see Elliot N. Dorff, For the Love of God and People: A Philosophy of Jewish Law (Philadelphia, 2007), chap. 7. 4. Elliot N. Dorff, Love Your Neighbor and Yourself: A Jewish ...
The book clearly demonstrates the importance of language as a vehicle for minority-group self-expression in the past and in the present.
But the universalistic premises that led moderns to denigrate particularism have not been similarly discredited . As a result there is still no way to move logically from modernity's assumption that truth is fundamentally universal to ...
"Beginnings of the Haskalah Among German Jewry" [Hebrew]. Molad, XXIII (1965), 328-34. 1m hilufe te^ufot: reshit ha-Hasl(ola be-Vahadut Germania [Beginnings of the Haskalah Among German ]ewry\. Jerusalem, 1960. Silberstein, Siegfried.
This is a rich collection for students, professional academicians, and all who seek to incorporate the wisdom of the past into the evolving wisdom of the future.