A significant and contemporary study of director Howard Hawks by influential film critic Robin Wood, reprinted with a new introduction.
As The Atlantic Monthly noted, “Todd McCarthy. . . . has gone further than anyone else in sorting out the truths and lies of the life, the skills and the insight and the self-deceptions of the work.” “A fluent biography of the great ...
Interviews with the director of Scarface, Only Angels Have Wings, His Girl Friday, Sergeant York, Bringing Up Baby, The Big Sleep, Red River, Gentlemen Prefer Blondes, and Rio Bravo Interviews with the director of Scarface, Only Angels Have ...
Howard Hawks
This book shed new light on the personal concerns which Hawk brought to his films, bringing into clear focus the deeply ingrained ethical sense which enabled him to stamp his distinctive signature on what once appeared to casual moviegoers ...
For most of Hawks's career (1925-70), film writers regarded him as a good storyteller and came to regard him as a major director and analyzed his work accordingly. Mast contends...
The Films of Howard Hawks
"The titles of Howard Hawks' most illustrious works are among the best known of all Hollywood classics. Bring Up Baby, The Big Sleep, Red River and Gentlemen Prefer Blondes are...
Focus on Howard Hawks
Bringing Up Baby (1938) is the essence of thirties screwball comedy. It is also quintessential Howard Hawks, treating many of the director's favorite themes, particularly the loving war between the sexes.
Howard Hawks est l'une des figures majeures du cinéma hollywoodien dont il accompagna toutes les grandes étapes durant plus de cinquante ans. Né à la fin du siècle dans une...