Praised by Newsweek as “a compelling read” and Library Journal as “accessible and down-to-earth,” Dale McGowan’s Parenting Beyond Belief offered freethinking parents everywhere a compassionate introduction to raising caring, ethical children without religious guidance. Now, for the more than 40 million people in the United States who identify themselves as nonreligious, Raising Freethinkers offers solutions to the unique challenges secular parents face and provides specific answers to common questions, as well as over 100 activities for both parents and their children. This book covers every important topic nonreligious parents need to know to help their children with their own moral and intellectual development, including advice on religious-extended-family issues, death and life, secular celebrations, wondering and questioning, and more. Complete with reviews of books, DVDs, curricula, educational toys, and online resources relevant to each chapter topic, Raising Freethinkers helps parents raise their children with confidence.
Foreword by Michael Shermer, Ph.D. Contributors include Penn Jillette, Julia Sweeney, and Dr. Donald B. Ardell This is an abridged edition of the print classic. It does not include essays by Richard Dawkins or Stephen Law.
Miracles or Prophecies might frighten Us out of our Witts ; might scare us to death ; might induce Us to lie , to say that We believe that 2 and 2 make s . But We should not believe it . We should know the contrary . ” .
"A book for atheist parents who are seeking guidance on raising freethinkers in a Christian dominated nation."--Page 4 of cover.
This second edition has been expanded with new material from the author.
Atheist Parenting Literature In his Raising Freethinkers: A Practical Guide for Parenting Beyond Belief, Dale McGowan (2009, vii) writes that we are amid “the birth of a nonreligious parenting movement.” McGowan initiated both Raising ...
Above all, the book argues that parents should lead by example--both by speaking candidly about the importance of secularism and by living an openly secular life.
Three days have passed since everything at the College of St. Bernadette took a nosedive. (Ooh, bad choice of words.) Those left behind are struggling to make sense of the strange events of that night in their own ways.
On the surface its riotous entertainment, but for weeks after you close the cover this remarkable book will resonate in your head, tickling the mind in lovely and unfamiliar places.
Third quote from Jasmine, comment on Bee, “How to Deal with Religious Bullying and Spiritual Abuse,” Raising Freethinkers: One Mom's Journey of Parenting without Religion (blog), February 28, 2016, ...
A simple, yet intelligent exploration of an often misunderstood philosophy Explores the differences between explicit and implicit atheism A comprehensive, readable, and thoroughly unbiased resource As the number of atheists worldwide ...