The extraordinary success of the Left Behind series by Tim LaHaye and Jerry Jenkins shows that their action/adventure novels have tapped into the American psyche. It has revived our fascination with vivid images of the book of Revelation and other biblical texts: the Antichrist, the mysterious number 666, and people suddenly raptured into the sky by God. But is there something dangerous behind the thinking in these books and how they play out in our world today? In Left Behind or Left Befuddled, Gordon Isaac takes the reader inside the theology behind the series. In clear and accessible prose, Isaac answers many important questions that Christians have about the phenomenon that is Left Behind: Is this Vision of the end times really biblical? Why do people have such a powerful response to it? What are alternative ways to think about the end times? How do the books view Catholics and other Christians? What does this Vision of things mean for Israel and the Jewish people? How can we counter the myths proposed in the series as fact? Gordon Isaac is the Berkshire Associate Professor of Advent Christian Studies in the church history department at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary in Massachusetts. He is also an ordained Advent Christian minister who has served a number of congregations.
In God We Trust?: Cultural Conflict and Consensus in Post 9/11 America
Kieslich, Günter: Das „Historische Volkslied“ als publizistische Erscheinung. Untersuchungen zur Wesensbestimmung und Typologie der gereimten Publizistik zur Zeit des Regensburger Reichstages und des Krieges der Schmalkaldener gegen ...
Pagan Christs
70 million copies Alan Cooperman. “Coming Soon to a Church Near You. ... "a person who abandons” Shorter Oxford English Dictionary (Oxford: Oxford University Press. fifth edition. 2002), vol. I. p. ... Michelle Goldberg.
Phil Donahue called Luther's attention to his own lyrics,pointingto the vulgar words up on the screen as he talked. For once in his life, Luther Campbell had nothing to say. The national mediawas shininglighton avery darkplace ...
John L. Casti , Paradigms Lost : Images of Man in the Mirror of Science ( New York : Morrow , 1989 ) , 69. Casti is an evolutionist who ... see Casti , Paradigms Lost , 115–21 , 126 ; Keith , Creation vs. Evolution , 136–38 . 17. Pitman ...
Leader's Guide to "Indonesia in Shadow and Light"
The Gospel and Our Culture
The Bible and Tomorrow's World
California Slavic Studies