The Word of God at Vatican II: Exploring Dei Verbum

The Word of God at Vatican II: Exploring Dei Verbum
Liturgical Press
Ronald D. Witherup


The Vatican II’s Dogmatic Constitution on Divine Revelation is universally acclaimed as one of the council’s most important documents. Published in 1965 after a long and circuitous route throughout all four years of the council, Dei Verbum sets forth the Catholic Church’s official teaching about divine revelation and the complex interrelationship between Scripture and Tradition. With the approach of the fiftieth anniversary of the constitution, this book—intended for general audiences—summarizes the history and principal teaching of this groundbreaking document. Accompanying the text of The Word of God at Vatican II is a paragraph-by-paragraph commentary and an exploration of the impact the constitution has had in the church’s life. Readers will be amazed at how influential Dei Verbum continues to be, even today.

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