Communion of the Saints: Foundation, Nature, and Structure of the Church

Communion of the Saints: Foundation, Nature, and Structure of the Church
Religion / Christian Theology / Ecclesiology
Liturgical Press
Miguel María Garijo-Guembe


This book offers a comprehensive panorama of modern Roman Catholic ecclesiology as it springs from the vision proclaimed by the Second Vatican Council in Lumen Gentium. The author's central thesis is an ecclesiology built around the notion of communio: all members of the Church should be able to carry out their respective responsibilities toward the Church at all levels (pastors, bishops, the entire Church). The Church needs the honest experiences of the faithful in the world in order to recognize and to meet the demands of the times by drawing on its ongoing tradition together with the work of the Holy Spirit. From this emerges the need to re re-think of the universal Church as a community of local churches. Questions concerning the scriptural basis for the Church are handled in an exegetical section. Next a systematic treatment deals with the nature of the Church, its structures (communities and offices; the structure of its offices), and the Church's duties (evangelization; the relations between Church and society). Dr. Garijo-Guembe emphasizes the systematic description of important moments in the history of dogma. From this foundation the author takes up questions directed by the Orthodox and the Churches of Reformation toward the Roman Catholic Church and attempts to answer them.. A rich bibliography-international in its authorship and ecumenical in their confessional backgrounds-rounds off each chapter.

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