This intratextual and intertextual reading of Mark's Gospel helps readers to appreciate the literary character, its setting in life, and its distinctive approaches to the Old Testament, Jesus, and early Christian theology. (Biblical Studies)
The earliest of the four Gospels, the book portrays Jesus as an enigmatic figure, struggling with enemies, his inner and external demons, and with his devoted but disconcerted disciples.
A reasonably priced, quality black hardcover pew and ministry Bible featuring a large 12-point font.
This volume inaugurates a series of accessibly written yet substantive commentaries for use in Catholic universities, seminaries, and parishes.
In this groundbreaking book, Dennis R. MacDonald offers an entirely new view of the New Testament gospel of Mark. The author of the earliest gospel was not writing history, nor was he merely recording tradition, MacDonald argues.
123 If the Mishnah accurately preserves the arrangement of the court in the first century , the members sat in a semi - circle on elevated seats so that they all could see each other ( M. Sanhedrin IV . 3a ) .
Immediately. Let's go. Right away. Now. Get up. Then ... Mark's narrative moves quickly and you sense the action in the story of Jesus' life. It's teaching presented as the gospel - good news powerfully announced in a world of bad news.
THIS BOOK CONTAINS 14PT FONT FOR EASIER READING. (THE AVERAGE BIBLE CONTAINS 6PT FONT LETTERING.) The Gospel According to Mark, the second book of the New Testament, is one of the four canonical gospels and the three synoptic gospels.
Here Professor Hengel argues with a wealth of documentation that the traditional views of the origin and tradition of the Gospel of Mark have far more to be said for them than has been usually allowed by modern New Testament scholars.
A short accessible guide to the Gospel of Mark for individuals and groups.
Jesus has always invited and challenged his disciples to follow him in the way of redemptive suffering, the way of the cross. This, according to Joel Green, is the very heart of Mark's gospel. It is also the heart of discipleship today.