If journalism is the first draft of history, then independent journalists are surely its most daring composers. Along such celebrated and high-profile figures as Christiane Amanpour and Wolf Blitzer, there exists a stratum of journalistsself-employed, working under dire conditions, and with minimal resourceswho often place themselves at ground zero of world events. In this gripping account, Anthony Collings takes us into the world of independent journalists, and the daily challenges they face confronting dictators, hostile military, and narcoterrorists. Unfettered by any ties to those in positions of power, these guerrilla journalists are often the first on a storywhether reporting on corruption in Mexico, organized crime in Russia, or sexual scandal in the Middle Eastand accordingly face the brunt of their subject's wrath. Collings, who has himself been held captive while on assignment, here focuses less on those nations in which the press is either largely free (such as the U.S. or Western European democracies) or aggressively restricted (as in China), and more on those "battleground countries" where the eventual outcome of the struggle between state and fourth estate remains unclear. Relying on interviews, professional contacts, and his own experiences, Collings explores the dilemmas and strategies of journalists who persevere in the face of war, repressive governments, and criminal aggression, with particular emphasis on the role of the Internet. At a time when journalism is increasingly a profession under siege, Words of Fire forces into the spotlight a more positive side of the profession, those who pursue journalism not for profit or fame but as a personal crusade.
Thanks also to my agent, Ammi-Joan Paquette, for her enthusiasm and input on this project, and to my editor, Lisa Sandell, for her extraordinary work in the editing of this book, though I never see anything less from her.
Ranging from Cicero's Rome to contemporary politics, Words on Fire is a provocative rethinking of political eloquence for our time.
The consequences of incendiary rhetoric are predictable. This is what author Helio Fred Garcia argues and warns us about in Words on Fire.
In Word, Like Fire, Valerie C. Cooper argues that the religious, political, and social threads of Maria Stewart's thought are tightly interwoven, such that focusing narrowly on any one aspect would be to misunderstand her rhetoric.
Holman Christian Standard Bible®, Holman CSB® and HCSB® are federally registered trademarks of Holman Bible Publishers. Quotations marked NETS are taken from A New English Translation of the Septuagint, © 2007 by the International ...
Words on Fire offers a rich, engaging account of the history and evolution of the Yiddish language.
The Traitor's Game series was my first foray into true young adult writing, and I never could have done this without the expert guidance, advice, and patience of my editor, Lisa Sandell, and my agent, Ammi-Joan Paquette.
Pickles is a young cat with big paws and big plans. But all he can find to do is chase other cats, until he is adopted by the local firehouse. Knowing that this is his chance to do big things, Pickles works hard to be a good fire cat.
Mouths of Rain, the companion anthology to Beverly Guy-Sheftall's classic Words of Fire, traces the long history of intellectual thought produced by Black Lesbian writers, spanning the nineteenth century through the twenty-first century.
Describes the experiences of a newcomer to the Yukon when he attempts to hike through the snow to reach a mining claim.