Volume 2: Craniomaxillofacial, Cleft and Pediatric Surgery First book to include long-term outcomes for surgical procedures - there is a dedicated editor ensuring that all available information is included Chapters are written by the freshest, most energetic names on the international scene, ensuring that global best practice is at the heart of the text Comprehensive coverage of diagnosis, treatment and management with basic science integrated throughout - reflects the way you practice Clear artwork and photographs aid quick reference
Evidence basedmedicine: what it isandwhatitisn't. BMJ. 1996;312:71– 72.5. ... Evans, I., Thornton,H., Chalmers, I.Testing treatments: betterresearchfor betterhealthcare. London: The British Library; 2006. 15.
FACIAL PLASTIC SURGERY CLINICS OF NORTH AMERICA FORTHCOMING ISSUES Neck Rejuvenation: Surgical and Non-Surgical Mark M. ... Editors Facial Plastic Surgery Multicultural Aesthetics J. Regan Thomas, MD, Editor August 2013 Hair Restoration ...
The book explains how one can best prepare for a procedure, what to expect during the actual surgery, and how to handle the healing phase.
Meta-Analysis. in. Facial. Plastic. Surgery. Basil. Hassouneh,. MDa,b,. Michael. J. Brenner,. MDc,* KEYWORDS Systematic review Meta-analysis Facial plastic surgery Rhinoplasty Rhytidectomy Local flap Reconstruction Evidence-based ...
Purchase this volume individually or own the entire set, with the ability to search across all six volumes online!
Truly the most clear-cut technical volume available, this book should be in the hands of all practicing plastic surgeons and residents.
The authors answer many of the questions posed by plastic surgery, showing readers how to locate, evaluate, and communicate with a skillful, professional provider of plastic surgery services, while also discussing the aesthetic and ...
Highly Commended by the BMA Medical Book Awards for Surgery!
The book includes detailed discussions of the common reasons for reoperation, crucial anatomic considerations, patient evaluation, and timing of reoperation.
With novel approaches to the application of new technologies via research based studies on stem cells, tissue engineering and new fields of reconstructive transplant (face, hand or larynx transplants), this book facilitates access to this ...