This new edition of GERONTOLOGIC NURSING turns its focus to the care of all older adults, not just those who are ill. It identifies the diverse needs of the geriatric population and addresses the care of common conditions as well as illness prevention. Throughout, Health Promotion boxes and Healthy People 2000 objectives reinforce a commitment to wellness. New chapters discuss psychosocial aspects of aging, drug therapy, cancer, and ethical issues. Incorporates the 6-step nursing process framework to provide a clear, consistent presentation of specific conditions in the older adult Nursing interventions are individualized according to three care settings: acute care, Spanish version also available, ISBN: 84-8174-308-9
Forman, M., Fletcher, K., Mion, L., & Trygstad, L. (2003). Assessing cognitive function. In M. Mezey, T. Fulmer, & I. Abraham (Eds.), & D. Zwicker (managing ed.), Geriatric nursing protocols for best practice (2nd ed., pp. 102–103).
Nichols, H. (2017). The top 10 leading causes of death in the United States. Retrieved November 6, 2017 from https://www. Robson, D. (2015). Why do women live longer than men?
Boerner K , Jopp D ( 2007 ) Improvement/maintenance and reorientation as central features of coping with major life change and loss: ... DeSpelder LA , Strickland AL ( 2015 ) The last dance: Encountering death and dying ( 10th ed .) ...
Therefore, on the fifth day following surgery, she was transferred to a rehabilitation facility in stable condition. ... Evidence-based geriatric nursing protocols for best practice (3rd ed., pp. 170–173). New york: Springer Publishing.
The text follows the framework of the core competencies for baccalaureate nursing education published by the American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) and the John A. Hartford Foundation Institute for Geriatric Nursing.
Designed for daily use, the guide is consistently organized in bullet-point Fast Facts style for easy access to information.
The Fifth Edition of Gerontological Nursing takes a holistic approach and teaches students how to provide quality patient care for the older adult, preparing them to effectively care for this population.
"In this book, the tools and clear presentation of information related to the actual testing process provide the learner with a framework for confidence as he or she prepares for the exam.
A new and updated version of this best-selling resource! Jones and Bartlett Publisher's 2011 Nurse's Drug Handbook is the most up-to-date, practical, and easy-to-use nursing drug reference!
This book makes a compelling argument for an immediate and comprehensive shift in the nursing education curriculum, from an acute care to a gerontological nursing care focus.